5-Axis Machining
- Latest in simultaneous 5 axis machining.
- Configured with 10 pallets & 90 tools.
- Light-outs production capability.
- Rapid response on complex parts.
- Latest touch screen display & easy access.
In our drive towards world class manufacturing our new 5 Axis machine offers a true five Axis capability to make complex shapes and components in a single process increasing process reliability, accuracy and quality.
We have invested in new state of the art 5 axis CNC machining centre’s which are typically larger than those seen on most machine shops. With multi-pallet machining equipment and lights out operations coupled with 20,000 RPM, we can achieve higher throughput’s & fast turnaround times.
This ensures better value for money for our customers with improved quality & supply chain efficiency.
Whilst we have previously excelled at short to medium run work we are now equally competitive and cost effective for longer run work producing the same high quality with shorter delivery times.
You can be completely confident that with our experienced highly trained programmers and the capacity to grow from 120 tools to 240 tools we can take on harder metals and more complex CNC precision machined shapes giving you complete confidence in supply and quality.